Sunday, August 2, 2009


Last night, me and Mere went to go see Orphan. It was sooo good. I thought that it was going to be cliched and that the evil little girl would be the spawn of satan or something. But, no! It has this really crazy trippy ending that I never would have expected (even though I did guess it like 5 minutes before they told it...). Anyways, It was mad good. But there's a one liner at the end that has been re-used over and over again...That was a little bit lame. But other than that, it was a-mazin'.

esther Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

  1. thank you for giving your opinoin of the movie wihtout telling the movie ;0) I haven't seen it yet and want to. .0) Glas you liked it! :)
