Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I am a big scaredy cat....

This morning I was in my pool and just kind of paddling around on a floaty mattress I got from the garage. Well, I flipped the freaking mattress over and GUESS what was on the other side? A brown recluse spider!!!! least I thought it was...
Actually it was a wolf spider. However, that didn't stop me from screaming my bloody brains out. In case you don't know what a wolf spider looks like here's one
wolf spider Pictures, Images and Photos

I have no idea what made me think it was a brown
But lemme tell you, it was HUGE. I am never getting near another pool mattress again!


  1. eesh! I won't be able to sleep tonight. SO we can BOTH be big scardy cats together! :p oohhh - gives me the heebie jeebies ;)

    btw - thanks for following my blog! :0) I see you like amigurumis! :) I just finished posting about my newest amigurumi design! :) Come on by and give it a look see when you have a chance, ja?? ;)

  2. As an Aussie I feel obliged to say "That's not a spider. This is..."
    But then I'd get accused of being an insensitive bastard.
